

friday F I V E.

I'm going to start a new WEEKLY post here on the blog!
friday F I V E.
five tips.
five tricks.
five pics.
five questions.
five things to do.
five funnies.
five somethings!

here are F I V E thought provoking blurbs to inspire your life through the weekend!

is what you are doing today, helping you get where you would like to be?

if you didn't know how old you were, how old would you be?

when was the last time you thought, i am the happiest I've ever been?

if your life is not a roller coaster of an adventure, then what is it at all?

i have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel - maya angelou.

happy friday everyone! enjoy your weekend!

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