{{ arrow june, you are just over 13 months now & more beautiful every single day. you make me complete little one. your open mouthed kisses are the peak of my very existence & the way you curl into my arms when you need a short rest… oh man, i can't take it! day after day you show me how sweet, naturally tenderhearted & curious you can be. at night, the complete opposite, bedtimes were the devils idea ;) you are walking now & with every wobbly stomp [both hands raised high above your head & a mischievous grin spread across your face] i get a bright reminder of how blessed i am to be your mama }}
you guys. tears. just tears. my baby, gets less baby-like by the second! she is toddling around like she owns the place. her personality is so loud & bright (i have no idea where she gets it!)
the list of things she doesn't like may be significantly shorter than the latter, but not near as fun, so here we go!
she loves:
yogurt. gallons & gallons, if i'd allow it!
dancing! i guess it just runs in the family.
ABEL. and now that she's walking like the 'cool kids' he's coming around to her again too!
her grammy & her birdie (to the point where I'm a bit jealous)
holding hands with daddy. A-DOR-A-BLE.
water. again, gallons. so many sippy cups.
books, oh my little board book eater, err, i mean reader.
socks. cold weather has opened her eyes up to a life of cozysock luxury.
giving the dogs treats. any kind of treats really, goldfish, graham crackers, raspberries.
^^sharing is caring^^
unloading. EVERYTHING. my least favorite of her favorite things.
& of course, walking. (gah! walking! i can't even believe she does it!)
we are looking forward to the holiday season over here in the schmeeckle household, lots of fun things to come! keep cozy through this cold front! & don't forget, marshmallows are calorie free if its less than 40degrees outside! sip it up!