

this holiday now applies to me….

i am a mom. mama. mother. whatever you wanna call it. i am one of those. i am a diaper changing, booboo kissing, stroller-strolling mama; & i finally fully understand why moms need a day of celebration all dedicated to them, to us.

here's to all the wonderful moms i know.
thank you for sacrificing your time, money, and independence to hold our families together.  thanks for all the hours you put into our lives, school projects & birthday parties. thanks for changing our diapers, i feel like this one gets left off the list a lot, but now i change a lot of diapers, so, thank you. thank you for listening to all of our childish problems & acting like they were so important, even though you had big bad adult problems on your mind.  thank you for teaching us how to love & have successful relationships.
this list of 'thank yous' could honestly go on forever, there are so many things to thank you for, so many things that us kids, your kids, will one day realize they appreciate. but most of all this year, thank you for all the love, care & knowledge you have given us, so that we may one day raise families of our own & have the slightest idea of how to do it.
we love you moms.

now, to my own mom.
thank you for being my best friend, when taylor and hillary wanted nothing to do with me :) even though they realize how cool i am now, you are still my best friend. thank you for always making me feel special. thanks for backing me up when my little white lies got me in trouble with (bi ches) at school. thank you for every hour you put behind the wheel from colorado to california & back - - or behind the wheel of hideous PT cruisers in LA, helping me chase my dream. my dreams may have changed now, but those memories are still my favorite & those experiences with you cannot be taken away. thank you, for instilling in me the confidence to be myself, especially in the face of critics. thank you for giving me a curfew, sounds weird because i hated it at the time, but thanks for that. you and daddy were right, nothing good ever happens after 10 or 11 o'clock. thank you for letting me move back in after i moved out, again, a weird thank you. but i needed to come home & you knew that. thank you for letting me have a rebellious stage, i told you i would come back, & i did. thank you for teaching me how to persevere through the rough times in relationships. thank you for teaching me about hostess gifts, i always feel so impressive when i show up with one (haha.) thank you for making my wedding day, the most wonderful, beautiful, special, memorable day of my life. i can't even fathom the amount of hot glue that was involved, not to mention the time spent. thank you for loving grant, just as he is. thank you for being a wonderful grammy to arrow & always answering my calls, no matter how late they are. & last but not least. thank you for teaching me how to be a mom, i learn from you every day. i know i can always count on you to be there when i need you. you have always put your family first, as i plan to do & if i turn out to be half as good as you are, i think i'll be just fine :) i love you mama.

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