

fleeting moments

maybe its the arrival of arrow's full, sentence speaking vocabulary reminding me that she'll soon be two, or just the celebrations of anniversaries and birthdays passing yet again, but as i say over and over again. time needs to slow down. i heard somewhere once, that life is just a collection of beautiful fleeting moments & we must always be ready to bottle them up. now, i am a very literal person, so I'm like where can i buy the jars? lots and lots and LOTS of jars...

from the moment my eyes feel sun peeking through the small space between blackout curtain and wall, i see beauty. i can look to my right and trust that there will always be something wonderful waiting for me there, a loving husband or if I'm reeeeeally lucky, a sweet toddler who crawled into bed with us in the night. I go into the kitchen to make coffee & what am i greeted by? another beautiful, breathtaking scene. a sky painted with pinks and yellows on one end & dark blues and purples on the other. 

i could keep walking you through my entire day, explaining in great detail all the magnificent things i saw, because that was yesterday & all of those memories are so vivid still in my mind. but a month from now i will have forgotten them. instead of being able to bottle them up for storage, i will have to replace them with new sunrise imagery and a month older toddler and husband. on one hand, this is awesome because if i have a not so beautiful day, i can replace it with the next days beauty. but on the other, its seems the days i love the most will last no longer than the day i can't wait to be over. 

we can all try our hardest to capture images and video and keep little nostalgic bits, like i did with arrows first ever finger painting, but those things will never compare to the physical moment when i turned around to find her apparently bored of painting on paper with paint all over her body, stripes and swirls of red and blue and the biggest grin on her face. or the look on grants face when i walked out of the bathroom one night with 'coming soon' written across my stomach.

you see, life IS in fact a collection of beautiful, magical, fleeting moments. it moves so quickly that it is easy to get caught up in the blur. living monotonously from one day to the next. if one thing i write today sticks with you i hope its this : drink it all up, breathe it all in & keep your mental camera sharp and at the ready, today could hold the most incredible moments of your life.

enjoy your weekend!