

feels like forever.

some days, it feels like my dad passed yesterday & some days, it feels as though its been an eternity. it feels so long ago that i heard him say "hey ashy" when i walked through the door of my parents home, but the image of him holding my sweet arrow in the hospital is somehow still so fresh in my mind.

its a strange thing, loss. you watch it in the movies & hear stories from friends, and you feel sympathetic, because you couldn't imagine yourself in their position; but it is an entirely different feeling to place on your own body. the weight of it is nearly unbearable. my whole life has been drastically changed by removing just a single person. permanently. its not like i cry over my dad every day, but some days, man, it just hits me all over again. certain things, foods, songs, or people remind me of him; most the time it is a bittersweet sadness or an "i wish daddy were here, he would love this" moment.
i wish that i could just wrap my arms around him one more time or have a conversation with him, it wouldn't even have to be a life changer, just a conversation about the weather, whats for dinner or a broncos game would do. losing my dad has changed me, darkened me in some ways and lightened me in others. his passing gave me a new appreciation for life but in the same breath gave me a bitter taste in my mouth for people who still have what i would kill to get back. lately though, the grief has started to ease, i feel like my sisters and i are finally getting to the point where we can reminisce safely, without it ending up a huge cry fest. we can laugh about the good old days & sometimes even talk about his passing. my brothers have stepped up to the plate & done their best to fill the 'man' void in my moms new home, and life is seeming to just go on. not like normal. but go on. arrow+abel play a huge role in that i think. its so hard to feel sad & dark when they are so happy & light; growing, learning and changing & i know my dad is watching them from above with his trademark grin spread across his face. that gives me some peace.

its rare that i feel open enough to share and write about this whole experience, as you can imagine, its been a rough one.
plus, not everyone wants to hop on a blog and end up crying, but today, God is giving me enough strength to pour this out onto my keyboard & start healing in a whole new way. i highly doubt that i will ever squash the feeling of grief completely from my every day, but thats just part of life.
loss. gain. love & somehow finding balance in it all.

"grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. all we can do is learn to swim. - vicki harrison"


june in photos.

excuse me while i play catch up!! here are all the wonderful photos that were missing from my last june wrap-up post! all captions go clockwise from top left!

naked baby booty. i can't help but photograph that cute thing every time i get the chance, can you blame me?!

early morning snuggles with daddy.

summer days spent on grammy's back porch.

we have discovered arrow's favorite fruit. PEACHES. she devours them!

pom poms. 

 family drive-in date. we saw transformers, arrow saw the inside of her eyelids ;)

we are starting to stumble around a bit on our feet! she picks her feet up so high for each step. *my mama heart melts*

the top of those little heads, swoon. abel and arrow are becoming quite the pair. abel runs around while arrow crawls & follows him around as fast as her little chubby arms and legs can take her. they trade snacks, give kisses & share the shopping cart seat; & man, when they're together, so much cuteness i can hardly stand it.

grammy love.

smiles & stripes on great grandpa bill's lap.

murphy is arrows tug of war partner. (he usually wins.)

arrow has this new habit of playing on her back with her toys above her, unfortunately, more than once those toys have fallen from her outstretched arms and conked her on the head. 

SAND DUNES & some grandpa wayne love.

we live in such a beautiful place, i almost forget to appreciate it.

me, hilla & her beautiful bump soaking up some sun on the lake.

juicy lips.

we're standing pretty regularly around here. (tear.)

i spy with my little eye, a waker pie!

&& last but not least, my bed-headed beauty.

happy tuesday!!


hello june…err, july?

june was a wild one you guys & it came and went so quickly this year. june is my favorite month, probably because its my birth month, but also because it is the start of summer & permanently hot weather; this year with the exception of a few afternoon thunderstorms (& a random apocalyptic hailstorm) it has been just that, HOT. 
lets touch on the important stuff…..i made it through another dance recital with studio west & celebrated my birthday with friends, drinks & homemade donuts. the babies splashed in the baby pool & spent countless hours on the swing set. arrow had her first virus which she then passed on to me, gee thanks. me & husband took a weekend trip to the sand dunes in walden, i had a picnic with my favorite friend named olivia, we went to the drive-in & finished it all off with some good ol' boating on horsetooth (ice cold razbrrita in hand.)
**all of these pictures will posted in my next post**

all the while, arrow is growing at an alarming rate & is officially mobile. sheesh, thanks for the warning, moms! the dog food bowl is no longer safe on the floor & sweeping is a daily occurrence. she is pulling up on things & babble talking incessantly. dada, mama, nana & strange wookie noises are all regulars in her growing vocabulary.

I'm looking forward to july, a baby shower and time on the lake. more hot weather, watermelon slices & frozen popsicles. patio sitting, laying in the grass & dusky strolls through the neighborhood, dare i say it? this may just be the best summer yet.