

a different kind of sexy.

i am currently 33 weeks pregnant. i am wearing baggy sweatpants, an old t-shirt (not so baggy these days) my hair is in a worn out looking top knot & my mint toenail polish is chipped, due to the sad fact that i can no longer reach my toes… or even my ankles for the matter. 

i sound super sexy right? ha! not.

so, how is it that in the current state that I'm in, I feel so sexy? it is not the same kind of sexy that I felt when I used to get dressed up and go out, or even the same kind of sexy i felt on my wedding day or honeymoon. 
its a different kind of sexy.

i drop my towel & look down to find that my body has taken on a new shape. a wonderful, beautiful & dare I say it -- sexy, new shape. i share this new body with a little someone, (&these days i swear she has more room in it than I do!) it is truly the most amazing thing i have ever experienced. i am overwhelmed on a regular basis & feel so blessed ***even though my size 7 skinnies don't button anymore ;)

now, don't go thinking i am lucky enough to feel this confident everyday! there are days when trust me, i feel the very opposite of sexy! days where i try on a dozen outfits only to end up recycling yesterdays & days where i feel extra emotional (weird?!) & just can't seem to embrace the change because everything is so different & will quite possibly never be the same. those are the days I count on my husband & family to tell me I'm beautiful & that my butt doesn't look pregnant or that it's "all belly" :)

but this post happened to be written on a day where "sexy" is a word i would maybe use to describe myself….. maybe.

xx. ashton.